Thursday, April 7, 2011

Days 1-4 post-op fasciotomy - Recovery Begins

For the first 4 days, everything was going alright. I was slowly able to progress from barely being able to lift my feet off the ground to being able to do some nice heel to toe strikes. On day 3, I was told that I was allowed to switch from the four-point crutch gait to the two point, which allowed for much greater mobility. Whenever I was laying down, (which I probably was 90 percent of the day), I would have my feet steeply elevated and be icing. After my second night sleeping on the first floor, I moved up to the second, and while a flight of stairs is certainly not easy, there wasn't any major problems or pain from doing it.

Starting on Day 3 -Three times a day, for about 5 minutes, I alternatively lift both legs in the air and do a couple sets of twenty ankle pumps, but quite lightly, as I was told it is important not to push anything, as the body is recuperating. By day 4, I was moving around the house without crutches, and even was able to drive to the post office to mail something. The doctor said that on walks that are longer than those one would typically take around the house, crutches should be used until day 7-8.

In terms of physical therapy, my surgeon told to me that under no circumstances should I begin any kind of PT before my post-op appointment on April 12th.
So far, no swelling or numbness to report, and I keep ace bandages on both legs tightly wrapped - Step by step, my recovery is taking shape.....


  1. Hi

    Im on day 5 after my Operation (both legs), I was training for the Marines when I managed to get Compartment Syndrome, 2 years down the road ive finally had my op

    Wasn't as bad as i thought, the slits are small, and im up walking about, after a few mins of pressure building up i have to sit down again with my legs raised, all im experiancing at the moment is cold feeling bottem half of the legs and lumps (swelling) on both legs just below the slit's, and makes it abit uncomftable when i do wwalk around. Hope to talk soon


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  3. I'm at day 2 after fasciotomy on right leg. Have a lot of swelling and discomfort and am not allowed to get out of bed except when going to the bathroom and I have to use crutches at all times. I don't see myself walking without crutches anytime soon. Am also experiencing some pain but don't have total control/feeling below the knee which is apparently expected due to the nerve block.

  4. Two years ago I had a bilateral fasciotomy on both legs releasing anterior and lateral compartments. It was a small incision and my surgeon used a tool where he just slid it up and down (reason only small incisions were used). That night I went to hospital bc my toes turned purple, ended up having a huge hematoma and my right leg was reopened the next day. Two years and I just had a release of anterior/lateral and release of both calf compartments and also decompression of superficial peroneal nerve. Its been a long journey.

  5. I got bilateral fasciotomies on 4 compartments 5 days ago. One leg is fine outside of pain from incisions. The other(left) the top of foot and ankle in front are numb. The ankle is also visibly swollen compared to the right. The surgeon said he is aware the left was worse than the right. Do I have cause for concern for nerve issues?

  6. Kelly please keep us posted! My daughter is having bilateral 4 compartments next week. I'd love to hear how you're doing....driving?

  7. Just had bilateral done to the lateral compartments 8 days ago, left leg which was much worse feels quite good, right leg and foot still has a ton of numbness and loss of sensation. While I get around on crutches, I can't tolerate being up for very long.
    Hoping to see the numbness subside soon.

  8. Hello!

    Did you guys have a endoscopic fasciotomy or was it the large incision one?

  9. I just had a faciaoptomy in both legs yesterday I could walk straight away and it's day two and I can walk around go up stairs just difficult to put socks on, I'm a bit worried as my foot keeps going numb, and I'm also worried that me being able to walk properly that I'm going to crash was anybody else able to walk this easy straight after and will it get worse?

  10. I am a D1 athlete and had bilateral fasciotomy (all four compartments released in right leg and two in left). It's been a long recovery for me. I was finally cleared to run and I am now having swelling and pain in my right leg. Ever since surgery I have had numbness and tingling near my incisions. It was getting better but now it is worse again. Is this normal after having so much work done?

  11. I had compartment release 4 days ago had pressure released on all four compartments on both legs. I am walking around house sometimes with crutches sometines without but i am not standing too long either way...not too much pain mainly discomfort. Some pain when i stand without crutches ...its a littke hard fir me to not do stuff. Forcing myself to stay on the couch... have to call the dr on monday bc im not sure how much i shoukd try to do or if i shoukd be resting more. I mean after surgery he said walk as tolerated but im not one to not work through pain so im not sure when to stop ...but i have a lot less pain than i expected and swelling is at a minimal. Ill check back in a few days with an update

    1. Oh i forgot to mention im a 54 year old woman and have worked out my entire life and olayed sports as well ...during the entire time lived with this condition so i think anyone waiting for the surgery dont wait too long...why live with the pain wjen a simple proceedure will change the quality of your life dramatically!

  12. I had a bilateral fasciotomy on the anterior and lateral compartments 10 days ago. It was very sore for the first few days and hard to do much. I'm now walking around without my crutches, and mostly without the use of the boots. I hate the boots. They push on the incisions and make it more uncomfortable. I mostly use them for when I leave the house or need to go up and down the stairs. What kind of physical therapy should I expect?
