Wednesday, December 23, 2015

5 Years Later(!)

Might as well give a little update - The compartment syndrome symptoms have never returned.  While I had some other issues further up with the hip, it never seemed to be related to the fasciotomy, but rather to congenital anatomy that just isn't so great (if interested, feel free to look up femoral acetabular impingement ;).

You might have trouble with the split if you have FAI!

The only thing I notice is a slight weakness in left calf stability - If I enter a contest on who can stand on their left foot the longest, I will probably lose.  It doesn't really affect day to day functionality though.  

My advice is still the same as it was - If the issues are really localized to the calf and you test positive for compartment syndrome, get an experienced surgeon and do the fasciotomy.

However, surgery is still surgery.  Be diligent about ruling out confounding factors before going under the knife. Get second opinions.  Always get second opinions. 


  1. Hi. I was dx'd with CECS, and I'm curious who your doctor was? Thank you!

  2. I am so excited to have found this blog. Thank you so much for documenting your journey. After 5 years of doctors and physiotherapists, I finally have the referral and appointment for pressure testing with the sports physician. I have spent the last 5 years basically inactive and being told my "shin splints" should have healed by now.

    I'm so happy that 5 years on your CS hasn't returned and treatment was successful. Being only 29 myself, I hope I have a similar result! Thanks again Sam!!!

  3. This blog has been really helpful to me as a 16 year old who is thought to have CS. It really shows me that the surgery maybe isn't as scary as I was thinking, and the recovery period is rather short. We have thought I had shin splints for over 4 years now, which is WAY too long for those to be around, but when I finally saw a doctor due to my leg going numb when I was running and he asked me all the questions he says it sounds like a textbook case of CS. I am currently in PT to rule out anything else before they do the testing(basically so that insurance covers the testing) and in a few weeks will be tested and if it is CS then I'm off the surgery in under a month. Wish me luck!
